24/365: The President's Men

So part of the work we did ages ago was to meet with the President's men, those we call the Little Presidents who governed the provinces.

If it was a battlefield, this was asymmetric warfare. Our way.

We were consolidating the president's political base and part of that were the governors, little lords who protected their fiefdoms at any cost including sleeping with the enemy. (The president being the enemy, heh.)

The older governors were old school - very territorial and defined reciprocity through the mutual scratching thing.

We called it the Folder Brigade because we sure did receive lots of folders - at least I did - when we were meeting with these leaders. These folders contained pet projects that needed following up with the president or with the department of budget.

The younger ones, like this handsome politician on the foreground on the left, were more progressive in their thinking. They didn't believe in opposing camps as long as they got the job done and their people benefited. They still brought their folders with them, but they were more open to new ideas and willing to collaborate.

The strategy to meet with the governors was a successful special project. Say, an 8 rating on a scale from 1 to 10.

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